................... 8-Dec-1995
.................. Ruaha
name: ......
Gerald Mathias Mwinuka
.......... Grandfather
Father ............... Barikia Kahesa Mwinuka
Died ............... 1.Apr 2002 - HIV
Mother ..............
Anna Gerald
Died ............... 5.May 2002 - HIV
He is very small, so he
cannot talk very much, but he says that he feels that life is
very different now compared to when he lived with his
grandparents. Now he is healthy, his skin looks good, and he
gets the help he needs. He says that he had so many sorrows
after his parents death, so one day he asked his Grandfather,
why did God kill my parents, and not me, because I cannot live
without them? One day I will go to the Ruaha river and jump
into the river, I think I will die then. But in this place now,
I never think about killing myself anymore. Thank you all
for helping us, God will bless you.
har bodd på barnehjemmet sammen med sin søster Janeth siden
oppstarten for 10 år siden. De hadde en eldre forsterbror som
hadde fått hjelp av Justins og Janeths far da han var liten.
Fosterbroren ble ferdig utdannet lærer og ville hjelpe Justin
videre, Justin flyttet til ham i Iringa og går på skolen
der, betalt av fosterbroren.